
“Unusual!” we call folks who take us off guard.
“Abnormal! Unrelenting! They’re not trying too hard!
TheĀ average of us just go with the pack.
The expected behavior is to stay on THIS track.
Odd for THAT person to be allowed in–
When the rest of us commit just a tiny, small sin.
To lie– To cheat– To gossip– To steal–
That’s simply our everyday commonplace meal!
Strange is the person who merely gives back.
Curious though; He offers the rest of us slack?
Look at that oddball; How he serves everyone else!
What’s that? Now he’s saying to avoid serving self?
That door is tiny! We’ll never fit there!
By the looks of it, we must go through all bare!
Stripped of our titles, our purses, our rules?
That door won’t accept our treasured jewels?
We must look like the oddball to fit through that gate.
We must hurry and change before it’s too late.
Throw off all that was us- and mirror the King.
Lay aside all our normal and change our routine.
Seek Justice, Love Mercy, Walk Humbly with care,
then enter to see the Oddball through there.