
I have gay friends whom I love.
I have family who voted for Trump.
I have family who voted for Hillary.
I have pro-life friends and pro-choice friends.
I have atheist family and Christian family.
I have Muslim and Buddhist friends.
I have Hispanic loved ones, some who are undocumented members of this society with American children.
I have friends of all colors and some who dye their hair green.
I have military men and women in my family.
I have pacifists in my family.

Today. Today I feel torn in half.

I feel and see pain everywhere.
I read words that should never be written.
I see sights that I’ll hide from my children.
I hear good people saying hate-filled things.
in their rage,
in their mourning,
in their triumph,
in their pride.

Today. Today feels like my parents are divorcing and I must choose sides.

And I won’t. Because I love you all.

At any given moment some of you would hate me, it would seem, because of my associations. Hate me for not choosing a side. Hate me because I’m a believer. Hate me for having certain friends. Hate me for not picking a team.

And I won’t. Because I love you all.

As always, the only side I stand on is love. The only theme of my life that I want to wear is love. The only association, the only fraternity, the only pledge, the only offering I have is to love. Love you all.

Today if you are emboldened to hate. You have already lost the battle.

Today if you are paralyzed by fear and hopelessness, you are turning your back on the great provider and His plan.

Today if you are sad, I understand.
Today if you are rejoicing, I get it.

Please don’t forget. Your actions today, your words today, impact tomorrow. And there will be a tomorrow.

Don’t let today wound tomorrow.

Let love be in your words even in your pain. Let love be in your actions… always.

Let your love today start the process of healing.